Tips for Completing Battlefield 1 - Game Modes: Domination & Team Deathmatch

Domination is a conquest option played on small maps and without vehicles. It has a much more dynamic gameplay. Team Deathmatch is a simple shootout, with no goals and a great team game.

In dominance mode, there are three flags on each map. They are captured in a similar way to the conquest mode, but a little faster. The lack of vehicles is another feature that distinguishes these two modes. Don't forget to replace all the equipment designed to destroy tanks before playing the domination game, as they are ineffective against infantry, such as anti-tank grenades or mines.

However, the most important factor that distinguishes dominance from conquest is the inability to respawn on captured points. You have the choice to deploy either to a teammate or to an arbitrary point. Does this introduce some? Chaos in the gameplay, as the tactical defense of your flags for a longer period of time becomes more difficult. Even if the pace of the game decreases for a while, several members of one team may appear at a random point and surprise the other team with an attack from the other side.


Dominance is where you'll see a lot of players running in a constant rush to get from one point to another in front of their enemies. That's why it's a good strategy to choose a position that will give you an idea of the enemies that are running to the point. Protecting the flag itself is also relatively simple, since the capture zones are very small, so if you see a captured flag, you can very quickly determine exactly where the enemy is hiding.

Choose the appropriate weapons and gadgets. The Scout class can be very ineffective at dominating, as the fights mostly take place in tight circles. Even if you are located in the corner of the map, you are still not safe, because there may be a random enemy position next to your sniper nest.

In the domination mode, you should not capture points with a large number of soldiers. They can be captured by a human quickly enough, and a large group of soldiers in a small area presents an unnecessary risk and a very easy target for support, grenades and elite classes. One or two players who have captured a point is more than enough, while others should support them from safer positions.

A team battle to the death

Team Deathmatch is a mode that you have to play while improving the target or warming up. There is almost no tactical thought or team play here. I just run and shoot. In this particular mode, teams receive points for each enemy killed. The point is canceled if the player has been resuscitated. The team that scores 100 kills or scores more points after 10 minutes wins.

In Team Deathmatch, players can respawn at their teammates or at random locations. JetX oferece uma experiência social, permitindo que os jogar JetX vejam as apostas e saques dos outros em tempo real. O design minimalista do JetX foca na jogabilidade, eliminando distrações visuais desnecessárias.